With the highly anticipated (by me) Royal Wedding just hours away at this point that my blog design should reflect the occasion. So, for at least a couple of weeks, I will be featuing crowns on my blog!
Things in Eagle are going great. Jeff is currently out of town. He will be returning tomorrow night... just in time to crash my wedding watching plans. Oh well. That is what DVR is for. Jeff has been keeping busy with work (the paying kind) and also work outside. He is hoping that we will have nice weather this weekend so that he can start getting our garden ready for planting (till it, etc.) He also is the proud new owner of a 16 foot utility trailer. He has been wanting one for so long that I told him he should just bite the bullet and get it over with. He has had it almost two weeks and has yet to use it. I see a trip to rent a tiller and get a bunch of mulch from Menards in our future!
I am doing well. I am still doing medical transcription from home. I am trying to keep busy, and am beginning to see that things are going to start getting busy for me in the near future. My big excitement recently is getting Invisalign. I have had it just over a week. It is definitely a big change. I have a newfound respect for people that get traditional braces. These darn things hurt so bad the first 3 days I thought I wouldn't make it. They are fine now. I change my trays every 2 weeks, and so I anticipate every 2 weeks there will be a couple tough days.
Josh is doing great. He just finished his Easter break and went back to school today. He is now 7-1/2. We celebrated at school with a cookie cake which was a HUGE hit! He also got to pick anything he wanted for supper. He chose McDonalds. I was regretting letting him choose. Gross. He is ready for the weather to get nice and stay nice! He enjoys spending time outside with Bella.
Bella's big news is that she got an electric fence. Actually, I think that this might be bigger news for Jeff and me. It has been three weeks, and she is doing awesome. I think everyone (who can afford to have one) should. The man who installed the fence and trained her on how to use it told me, "She is REALLY smart!" Uh, what? Are we talking about the same dog? She is so dumb... loveable, but dumb! Well, it turns out, she is not dumb. She is just bored. She totally got the whole fence thing in under 10 minutes. The geese that live on the pond love to torture her, because it seems that they have figured out that she can't go past the flags. They stand just on the other side of them.
In March, Josh and I travelled to SD to visit my Dad and Pauline while Kara, Natalya and Niko were home for vacation. We got to spend about 2 days with them. So much fun. Pauline taught Kara and me how to sew. We are now making memory bears for people who have lost loved ones. I gave away my first one this week. What a great feeling that was! I had no idea that I would enjoy sewing this much! I may drive Jeff nuts with my new addiction to JoAnn's Fabrics. I think that I just need to pace myself.
Life Thru A Veil of Tears....
5 years ago